Platform news
Here’s to another month of WNOS – our monthly report where we update you on the latest news, trends and tips in Social & Digital – helping to keep you constantly in the know. We’ve made a few changes to our tried-and-true recipe, and we hope you love our update as much as we do.
October Highlights
It’s really Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go, the app that encourages users to pick up a grab-bag of food from a restaurant, supermarket, or deli that otherwise would be binned at the end of the working day, has exploded in popularity. The app has seen 623,000 monthly active users in the UK – with other food apps, like Starbucks, only racking up half those sorts of numbers..
TikTok’s Disney Destination

In celebration of Disney’s centenary, the company will be partnering with TikTok to bring quizzes, clips, and trading cards to the platform. This activation will see TikTok’s interactive capabilities pushed to its full potential, and we just have to wait and see if this will set a precedent for what it means to be a brand online.
Why should you care
It’s Time To Do Good

Too Good To Go’s 2022 Impact Report stated that they, and their community, saved 79 million meals in 2022, avoiding nearly 200,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions – that’s the same as 200,000 round-trips from Paris to New York.
If there’s one thing that Too Good To Go’s success shows us, it’s that people are actively looking for more ways to do good in some tangible way. Being able to pick up food to eat that otherwise would have gone in the bin, sometimes lucking out with a full Pizza Express pizza or fifteen cold Pret sandwiches, is a very substantial reward for many. We’ve seen this success replicated with other apps that provide options for consumers to make more sustainable choices – the sustainable fashion market is valued at $177 billion, dwarfing fast fashion’s $106 billion.

For brands, it should be clear that people are looking for ways to make personal changes to their lives in service to the environment and the community, without any small print. As opposed to other operations, which are rife with greenwashing and brands not taking accountability for their climate impact, the work done by Too Good To Go is quantifiably good for the environment. How can your brand offer more honest and true opportunities for people to change their impact on the world around them?
The Magic Fandom

TikTok is quickly becoming the one-stop shop for everything online, seeing success in their retail endeavours, search engine functionality, and fashion moodboard. Can they expand that to becoming everything a marketer needs, too? Their latest push with Disney will see TikTok expanding into an online third-space, carving out a specific section of the site to become a hub for Disney fans only, where they can watch licensed clips, interact, and play with all things Disney.
We’ve seen brands execute on TikTok before, but not all of them really understand how the users of that platform operate. Whether it’s the teens on there creating their own language (the imaginary horror movie Zepotha? The pseudo-stock market of Dabloons?), to watching the entirety of Paramount’s Mean Girls in ten-minute clips on the platform, it’s a system that doesn’t lend itself well to marketing if brands don’t understand it.
With TikTok and Disney collaborating, we will be able to see in real-time how well an overtly branded activation does on TikTok. Our take? TikTok seems to be a space that rejects any form of marketing or branding that isn’t endemic to its system, and this could be a big risk for Disney. However, as a home for fandoms, TikTok sees huge engagement for fans of Marvel, Star Wars, and other Disney properties; and if Disney understands their fans, they’ll understand TikTok. We’ll be sure to keep an eye on how this develops.
Brand inspiration
August Highlights
April Showers Bring Lego Flowers

LEGO have launched an all-new campaign in an attempt to bring older builders to the block brand. Tapping into grown up anxieties, and common online spaces for decompression, LEGO are positioning themselves as the ideal wind-down activity for burnt out adults after a long day of work.
Feel, See, Smell The Luxury

The rise of experiential luxury has been everywhere recently, from TikTok stars teaching viewers how to get the most out of Bicester Village, to brands launching their own apps to reel in consumers. Why are so many brands trying to get consumers to do something over selling them a product? We break it down for you.
Why should you care
Building Healthy Habits
Consumers are stressed – very stressed. 1 in 3 adults worldwide feel stressed weekly, and 8 out of 10 of those adults stated that doing something creative and manual helps them manage that stress. LEGO is presenting a new opportunity for them to relax and enter a low-stakes flow state.

LEGO has even tapped Lo-Fi Girl, an iconic online radio station popular with Millennials that people play when they want to relax, highlighting indie tunes that are easy to tune out and zone out to. By partnering with Lo-Fi Girl, and repositioning their product as something for burnt-out workers, LEGO is demonstrating that they clearly understand what it is that their consumers want. Trapped in arrested development in the aftermath of a Peter Pan-demic, many people feel ill equipped to deal with university, work, and more; and find themselves retreating into a more idyllic childhood. The toy industry agrees, projecting that GBP 1.2BN will be spent this year on toys for adults.
Our take? Brands shouldn’t be afraid to have a bit of fun with it, because consumers absolutely need a bit more lightheartedness in their lives. Grappling with a cost of living crisis, work, university, inflation, housing rates – your brand should give them a chance to sit down, relax, and just do something that makes them feel good.
The Places To Be
(And Pics To Prove It)
The Drum recently interviewed Ken Gordon, from EPAM Continuum, about his thoughts around the experiential space and why luxury is pivoting there. It’s been clear through trends over the past few years that luxury brands are branching out to provide more OOH experiences to consumers, rather than just shopping.
From Ralph Lauren’s Ralph’s coffee bar popping up all around the world, to the Prada caffe, to the actual breakfast you can have at Tiffany’s, some people are asking why these brands are pivoting from haute couture to hospitality.
It all makes sense when you consider that, in the age of social media, content is king. A handbag can be easily replicated through dupes and fakes, but an experience like taking tea in the Gucci Garden or getting sweaty at an Hermes workout class, is something that can only happen to those in the know. Being able to share this exclusive experience online also brings that person cultural capital, and a feeling of intimacy with the brand.
Our take? People want to feel things. Experiences, both going to them IRL and watching them on the feed, are what people are hungry for now. There are just so many opportunities for brands to play in – revenge travel! Interactive shows! Live theatre walkthroughs, or museum exhibits, or a cup of tea and cake. It all goes a long way for the culture-hungry clientele.

Keeping Up
with the trends in September

Merch Maxxing
As we pointed out in our last edition of WNOS, people are increasingly flexing merch as fashion statements. The Guardian’s just agreed with us, pointing out the rise of people wearing all sorts of merch from literary magazines baseball caps, to film production house baseball caps, and even supermarket tote bags. In the offline world, people find it harder to find their tribe – and wearing their fan fashion keeps them in the loop.

Coats! Cravats! Deliciously expensive knitwear! These are all the pieces Associate Fashion editor of the Guardian Jess Cartner-Morley predicted would be all over the place for this year’s A/W season, and we’re inclined to agree. In order to get with the times, you should look back to old school cool.

Soup Season
We’re starting to bundle up in the northern hemisphere, and French heritage brand Le Creuset is feeling the heat. The hashtag #LeCreuSlay has over 84.2 million views on TikTok, and the brand itself has 2.1 million likes and over 200,000 followers. Recipes like Perpetual Stew and Lasagne Soup are going viral, as people announce the death of ‘Pasta Salad Summer’ and hail the return of ‘Soup Season’. Tuck in!

Mean Girls
“It’s October third.” Earlier this month, the movie studio Paramount dropped the entirety of their iconic teen movie Mean Girls onto TikTok, in twenty three glorious parts. The move clearly capitalises on TikTok’s habit of uploading full films, and TV shows, onto the platforms in five-to-ten minute bursts, where users can discover new shows organically through the algorithm. Some teens prefer watching films in this short-form format – which leads to a conundrum about mental health and attention spans. Only time can tell!

Do you remember Miffy? (Or, Nijntje, in her native Netherlands.) StudioCanal has just announced a new show about everyone’s favourite fluffy Dutch rabbit, but anyone with their eyes online has noticed her sudden popularity. #Miffy has over 535M views on TikTok – no mean feat for a bunny! Kidult buying power is absolutely making waves.
Further Readings
Platform news
It’s Really Too Good To Go
TikTok’s Disney Destination
Why you should care
It’s Time To Do Good
The Magic Fandom
Brand Inspiration
Why you should care
Building Healthy Habits
The Places To Be (And Pics To Prove It!)
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